
Showing posts from December, 2022

Winter of Discontent, Part II

  Dear and gentle reader: Last posting, I had a very short list of some of the things that irk me.  I shall add to it now.  Mind you, these are only my own not-so-humble opinions.  They may even be in error; doubtful though that is.  If you differ in your estimation, so be it, and I'm sorry that you do not have the refined tastes which I myself enjoy. Hairstyles and facial hair.  Whilst I have sported facial hair - a beard and moustache since the tender age of eighteen, allowing the beard to grow to varied and sundry lengths, I cannot help but wonder what many young(ish) men of today are thinking when they attempt to sport a hirsute look.  I do not style my facial hair, nor use any specialised soaps or shampoos for it, and I keep it short and easily managed.  I shall make it plain - I loathe and despise patchy beards, neck beards, and other kinds cut and styled to suit contemporary fashions.  Pair those monstrosities with the currently fashi...
 The Winter of Our Discontent 1 December 2022 Good morrow, gentle reader!  The annual American feast of gluttony and football is over and done with thankfully, and now retailers bombard us endlessly with adverts for buying things we don't need for those in our circle of family and friends who probably don't need those things either.  Perhaps it's the dreary, grey, wet & chilly days that turn me even grumpier than I already am.  Certainly the additional work and stresses that come from my bishop's pet project which is supposed to "grow disciples", (I honestly had no idea that one could legally plant and harvest human beings), adds to my increasing frustration and general curmudgeonly nature.  Thus, I have found in the past few weeks myself becoming increasingly agitated and short-tempered.  I will share with you, gentle reader, some of my least favourite things. Moronic drivers:  those folks who have no idea in how to employ turn signals; those folk...